
Annual Reviews: 

Annual Review 2023-24: (December 2024) A review of our programme year with photos of our projects and information about their impact.

Annual Review 2022-23: (October 2023) A review of our programme year with photos of our projects and information about their impact.

Annual Review 2021-22: (October 2022) A review of our programme year with photos of our projects and information about their impact.

Annual Review 2020-21: Videos from our Members’ Committee’s Annual Review event

Annual Review 2019-20: Video of our Members’ Committee’s Annual Review event, broadcast live from Catford Mews cinema on 29th October 2020.

Annual Review 2018-19: (October 2019) A review of our programme year with photos of our projects and information about their impact.

Annual Review 2017-18: (October 2018) A review of our programmes and their impact over the last year

Annual Review 2016-17: (October 2017) A review of our programmes over the last year and a retrospective of 30 years of transforming lives through theatre to celebrate our 30th anniversary.


Directors Reports:

LYT’s Director’s Report 2022-2023(October 2023) A narrative review of the programme year with evidence of success against strategic objectives.

LYT’s Director’s Report 2021-22: (October 2022) A narrative review of the programme year with evidence of success against strategic objectives.

Directors’ Annual Report 2019-20: (October 2020) A narrative review of the programme year with evidence of success against strategic objectives.


Strategic plans: 

2017-2022 Strategic Plan: (December 2017) A detailed document outlining the plans and goals of the organisation over the next 5 years

2017 -2022 Strategic Plan Summary: (October 2017) A short summary of LYT’s strategic plan providing an overview of the organisation’s goals over the next 5 years

BIG Impact Report: (May 2017) An evaluative report by independent evaluator Jim Coe, detailing the impact of LYT’s programmes on participants’ long-term well-being and life chances.



The Parched Lands – Teacher Resource Pack: (February 2023) A play script and 6 classroom workshops on the theme of climate anxiety for use with pupils years 6 and up.

‘Young People Telling Their Own Stories’: (December 2022) Profile article in East London Lines