Creative Hub – What’s on?

Find out more about Lewisham Youth Theatre and
Learn new creative skills!

Join us for an open sessions or taster creative workshop – all absolutely FREE. You don’t need to have participated in LYT before or have any previous experience of drama. Just come along, meet new people and have fun!

National Youth Theatre Workshop for 14-21s
Join us on at LYT’s Creative Hub for a National Youth Theatre workshop! This fun workshop offers you the opportunity to learn about NYT, play drama games and the chance to register for a FREE audition at National Youth Theatre.

About the workshop

Suitable for young people aged 14-25, this workshop will explore fun drama games, ensemble work, and a offer the opportunity to find out more about what NYT can do for you!

By attending this workshop you will be able to sign up for a free audition. NYT Membership auditions can take place in person or online.

If you are successful in this audition you could go on to join NYT, attending their courses and receiving mentorship, resources and casting opportunity. Sign up here


Any Questions?: Email Isla or text 07435 969 157

All workshops will be held at our new space
LYT’s Creative Hub
436 Lewisham High Street, SE13 6LJ

Annual Review 2021


invite you to the Annual Review 2021

Youth Voice in Action

an evening of provocation

Thursday 28th October, 7pm
St. Laurence Centre, Catford SE6 2TS

Join us for an interactive event:
hear from our participants about their plans for our Youth Voice 2022 season
and join a conversation with our wider community on key themes of youth mental health and social action.

Watch the short videos below to join the conversation:

What happened at the Annual Review 2021?

The Annual Review was different this year.
What did you think about the event?

What was your favourite part of the night?

What difference can young people’s voices
make in their communities?

Thank you to for capturing the evening.
Follow him on instagram: @_lukemoloney

Our Members Committee would like to thank all those who have
supported on LYT projects over the 2020/21 programme year:

LYT Core Team Members: Amy Lewis, Ania Straczynska, Charlie Risius, Helen Stanley, Louise Balhatchet,  and Victoria Shaskan.

Freelancers: Amanda Mascarenhas, Carys Williams, Courtney Morris-Spencer, Jenn Nesbitt, Joanna Burnett, Kat Gill, Lakeisha Lynch-Stevens, Lauren Pennycott, Molly Freeman, Sebastian Constantine, Sophie Ellerby and Tunde Euba. 

Volunteers & Placements: Adam Carvell, Beth Wilson, Brigid Vidler, Cardella Bryce, Darcey O’Rourke, Georgia Tapp, Holly John, Laura Wheeler, Mayowa Bamiro, Nora Lempriere, Rosie Schofield, Rui He, Sam Bailey and Zubin Khetani.

Members Committee: Amazing, Amiga, Ava, Tatyana, Blessin, Dana, Greta, Holly, Jim, Joe G., Joe M., Kieran, Kwabena, Marvin, Mide, Pierce, Sarah-Jane, Savannah, Shannon and Yanis.

Peer Mentors: Amazing, Blessin, Charlotte, Dana, Faith, Greta, Jim, Joe M., Sarah, Shannon and Yanis.

Tech Crew: Dana, Jed, Manu, Sarah-Jane and Shannon

Youth Voices 2022

Youth Voices 2022

A season of new plays with
Young People in the Lead

During 2021, we’ve been working with young people across our age groups to create 3 new plays about young people taking action on the issues affecting them.

In 2022, we’ll produce these plays with young people taking lead roles at all levels of the productions: young performers and writers; young directors and producers; young designers, stage managers and technicians.

Get a Sneak Peak

Watch the work-in-progress sharings of the three plays below:

by Sophie Ellerby and the Senior Acting Company

About honesty, forgiveness and the power of social media to create change –
both positive and destructive.

“The most ‘alive’ of any online theatre experiences I’ve taken part in.”
– Audience Member

Parched Lands by Pia Ashberry
Adapted by Helen Stanley
and the Junior Acting Company

Vanessa has been playing a lot of the video game – Parched Lands – during lockdown. Has her mind become merged with the game itself?

A new adaptation of Pia Ashberry’s 2007 play exploring young people’s mental health, isolation and fears about climate change.

“I loved watching all of the young people really embrace the new technology. They dealt with the live technical elements of the performance with true professionalism and it looked amazing!”
– Audience Member

Stories from the Playground
by Helen Stanley
and the Junior 8-11s Company

Returning to school after lockdown hasn’t been easy for anyone. Conflicts with friends…family…teachers. But what can our characters do to make a difference?

“I got a bit emotional watching the video clips – our children have been through so much during these times.”
– Audience Member

New Podcast

New Podcast

A new podcast created by our 16-24s
about arts, social justice and having a voice.


From November 2020 – February 2021, LYT members aged 16-24 work with BBC presenter, producer and DJ Shahlaa Tahira to learn about podcasting. They created this new podcast exploring the struggles and motivations of artists who use their work to make a difference in the world around them.

Unfold was produced by Bushra, Eli, Kwabena, Leighton, Matthew, Mide, Nathan and Sasha.

Episode 1: Music for Change

Join Matthew and Sasha as they talk to musicians Bluem and Selass about what it’s like to make music as a tool for change.

Episode 2: Racism and the Creative Industries

Join Bushra and Eli as they talk to playwright and academic Oladipo Agboluaje about the layers of racism in the creative industries.


Listen on: Soundcloud  –   Anchor  –  Spotify  –  PocketcastsGoogle PodcastsBreakerRadioPublic

Unfold was made possible by We Are Lewisham
with funding from Lewisham Council

Wellbeing Resources

Wellbeing Resources

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, upset, anxious, struggling with your relationships with friends or family or finding life hard, You’re Not Alone.

LYT Resources for Wellbeing:

LYT Chats: One-to-one advice and guidance mentoring for those who are or who have been involved in one of LYT’s projects to help you find positive next steps and resources. Contact your project lead, email Jess or text 07435 969 157 to set up a time to chat.

Online Resources for Everyone

Whether you’ve been involved with LYT before or not, we’ve collected some online resources that my help you with tips, activities and access to someone to talk to.

Brighton’s Safety Net e-zines created by children and young people including activities, advice & information.

Action for Children’s Can’t Talk, Write toolkits, encouraging mental health through different writing activities.

Kooth: Online mental wellbeing community for young people, offering free, safe and anonymous support.

Every Mind Matters: NHS website with expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.

Rise Above: Rise Above is where you will find interesting and useful stuff from the web and beyond to get us all talking about the things that matter to us. You’ll find inspiring and useful stories, videos, games and advice.

Good Thinking: Good Thinking digital wellbeing tools are designed for anyone living or working in London, It’s free and can support individuals in managing their own mental health and building resilience.

My Mind Matters: Total Insight Theatre has worked with young people to create a short film about the mental health experiences of three young people during Covid-19 lockdown.

Kazzum Arts’ Grounded: A collection of short animations to support mental health and wellbeing of young people.

Please note: We proactively seek out opportunities to share on this page and are unlikely to respond to marketing requests. We want to share opportunities that are:

  • Aimed at young people, and encouraging young people to have agency and a voice
  • Specifically focused on building young people’s tools for wellbeing
  • Creative, build connection and allow young people to contribute positively to their community
  • Charitable in nature, so it’s unlikely that we would share opportunities that aren’t free or that aim to promote non-charitable activity

Annual Review 2019/20


invite you to an evening of celebration


Thursday 29th October, 6.30pm

on Zoom

Join us to celebrate our work and achievements over the last year –
both before and & during lockdown

We have a lot to celebrate! 

The evening will feature presentations from young people who have participated in our programmes, highlighting their achievements and celebrating their next steps at LYT and beyond.

To RSVP for Zoom Webinar, please click HERE. 


If you would like to speak about your experience at LYT this year
as part of the Annual Review please email us
or text ‘Review’ to 07960 095 064 to let us know! 

Our Members Committee would like to thank all those who have
supported on LYT projects over the 2019/20 programme year:

LYT Core Team Members: Amy Lewis, Ania Straczynska, Charlie Risius, Emma Hewitt, Flo Dessau, Helen Stanley, Louise Balhatchet,  and Victoria Shaskan.

Freelancers: Amanda Mascarenhas, Annekoos Arlman, Carys Williams, Courtney Morris-Spencer, Ben Moon, Jenn Nesbitt, Kat Gill, Laura Wheeler, Lauren Pennycott, Louise Dickinson, Molly Freeman, Polly Elston,  Sebastian Constantine and Simone Watson. 

Volunteers & Placements: Akeem Mignott, Alice Barclay, Dulce Cabrales-Cid, Carys Williams, Durshini Tania Ramful, Eleanor May, Evie Binns, Georgia Tapp, Jack Hawkins, Jana Earle, Katelyn Adler, Katie Honan, Liberty Mann, Lucy Allan, Marie Osborne, Mason Davis, Zoe Fergusson and Zubin Khetani.

Members Committee: Amaarah, Amazing, Amiga, Armani, Aurora, Ava, Tatyana, Blessin, Charlie, Charlotte, Daniel, Eli, Holly, Jade, Jhalen, Jim, Justice, Kieran, Krystal, Kwabena, Marley, Marvin, Matthew, Merlyn, Mihai, Nathan, Nerissa, Padma, Pierce, Rianna, Sarah-Jane, Shannon, Syam, Yanis and Zhane.

Peer Mentors: Blessin, Charlotte, Dana, Ethan, Jim, Matthew, Nathan, Rianna, Semirah, Shannon, Sumayyah, Tatyana and Yanis.

Work Experience: David, Katrina and Shannon.

Summer of Zoom

Invitation to Celebrate
LYT’s Summer of Zoom 2020

From Tuesday 28th to Friday 31st July

An invitation to all LYT members, friends & supporters:
Despite lockdown, we have been connecting, creating & acting online.
Each day at 5.30pm, we’ll present work from our different groups aged 8-24.

Watch our Summer of Zoom films
available on our YouTube channel
until 21st August

Films from our projects for ages 8-24s from April – July 2020

Schedule of Public Activities:

JYT2 Acting Company & Technical Company

Tuesday 28th July, 5.30pm

Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 837 5128 5611
Password: JYT2Tech

 Join our 12-15s for two film presentations with spoken word pieces about youth activism,
and a sharing of the costumes, props and lighting created by our Technical Company.

Senior Youth Theatre, Workshop Company

Wednesday 29th July, 5.30pm

Zoom Link:
Webinar ID:  820 5707 1538
Password:  SYTwc

A sharing from our 14-17s of short spoken word pieces created entirely over Zoom,
inspired by Black Lives Matter and the theme of youth activism.

Senior Youth Theatre, Acting Company

Thursday 30th July, 5.30pm

Zoom Link:
Webinar ID:   853 8979 6498
Password:   SYTac

 A sharing from our 16-24s of their adventures over Zoom,
including filmed pieces and live presentation.

Members’ Committee

Watch the premiere of our youth board’s statement

‘Your Voice Matters’

Friday 31st July, 5.30pm
on YouTube

For LYT Members Only:

‘Our Summer Together’
a chance to celebrate and have your say

Friday 31st July, 4.30 – 6pm

Join other members from across the youth theatre to
watch ‘Your Voice Matters’ from the Members’ Committee
and footage from all our Remote Youth Theatre projects for 8-24s.
Also, have your say about what’s next for LYT in the Autumn.

To receive the Zoom link:

Email Ania or
text your name and Together to 07435 969 157

Opening Doors 2020

“I feel a lot more positive and understand I have the tools,
I just need to find the best way of using them for me.”

“This event helped motivate and encourage me to just do what i want to do,
without having to validate myself with external opinions.”
– audience members

LYT’s Young Producers invite you to

Opening Doors

Meet the Creatives. Discover their Journeys.
Start your Future.

This event was held on Saturday, 11th July 5pm
via Zoom Webinar

Watch the full video here:

Lift the curtain on the creative industries in this online questions and answer event planned and hosted by Lewisham Youth Theatre’s Young Producers.

You’ll hear from working professionals in acting, film, stage directing, playwriting and lighting design. They’ll share advice about the realities of creative work and reveal their journeys to where they are today. If you want a career in the arts, you won’t want to miss this exclusive insight into what you’ll need to start your future.

LYT’s Young Producers are a group of young people aged 15-24 learning skills in producing and events management. They have planned every aspect of the event and will host the Q&A session.

In support of the Black Lives Matter movement in London, the Young Producers have decided to split any donations received for this event with the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust.

Our Panellists:

Clancy Flynn, Lighting Designer (Trainspotting Live tour; The Vaults; Offie Award finalist)

Inua Ellams, Playwright (National Theatre, Kiln Theatre, Soho Theatre)

Jermaine Quainoo, Film & TV Editor (JAR Post Production; Teen Mom UK; Blue Peter)

Lucian Msamati, Actor (Gangs of London; His Dark Materials; Game of Thrones)

Ria Zmitrowicz, Actor (Three Girls, National Theatre, Almeida, Royal Court)

Roy Alexander Weise MBE, Director (Artistic Director of Royal Exchange Manchester)

Sadeysa Greenaway Bailey, Designer (National Theatre, Unicorn Theatre, Kiln)


The Young Producers project is currently supported by:

Update on LYT Activities – 18 March 2020

Update on LYT Activities – 18 March 2020


Due to the unprecedented circumstances of the global Covid-19 pandemic, we have made the decision to cancel all LYT sessions and events until at least after the Easter holidays. LYT staff will be working from home and the office will be closed.

This means that there will be no face to face sessions. We are also cancelling the Young Touring Company’s tour of ‘Live It Down‘ and the live performance of the Junior Youth Theatre (12-14s) Playing My Part.

We hope to re-start sessions in the week of 27th April. We will review this decision in line with government guidance and be in touch with all groups closer to the time.

In the meantime, please contact us by email or on our office mobile: 07435 969 157.

A Creative Response

We are reminded that Shakespeare wrote some of his most powerful plays
while quarantined from the plague.

We are developing some new ideas for a ‘Remote Youth Theatre’ that will give our participants a way to connect, to deepen their creative understanding and to express their experiences during this difficult time.

Watch this space for more information about how you can get involved, including as an online audience for a digital version of the Juniors 12-14s’  Playing My Part on Thursday 9th April.

New Projects for 16-24s

We’re introducing two new projects in summer term 2020!
If you’re aged 16-24, contact us to register your interest.


Gain training in the role of a producer while planning your own event and getting work experience on LYT’s project.



What will I get out of the project?
Young Producers will:

  • Gain a Silver Arts Award qualification
  • Develop your Leadership, facilitation and event management skills
  • Meet and learn from professional artists

When is it? Tuesdays 6-8pm, April – July 2020, plus work experience

How do I get involved? Call, Text or Whatsapp 07435 969 157  by Monday 16th March with:

  • your name, age and phone number
  • the words “Young Producer”

The Young Producers Project is currently supported by the Arts Council England



Make friends, build your confidence and try out new drama skills.


First Steps is a new day-time drama project for young people aged 16-24 interested in building their acting skills in a fun and relaxed environment. You’ll also help us explore a new theme that will influence the plays we do next year  across all age groups.

When is it? Wednesdays 2-5pm from April – June

How do I get involved? Call, Text or Whatsapp 07435 969 157  by Monday 6th April with:

  • your name, age and phone number
  • the words “First Steps”

The First Steps drama project is supported by UK Youth